Fortnite Season 8 Week 1 Loading Screen Battle Star Revealed

Here's the Battle Star from the Week 1 Loading Screen from Fortnite Season 8.

Fortnite Season 8 Week 1 Loading Screen

With Fortnite Season 8 now underway, we’re already getting some glimpses at what to expect in the future thanks to leaks. The Loading Screen is only available if you complete a week’s challenges, but the Week 1 Loading Screen has been revealed already.

Featuring a pirate aboard his ship, this Loading Screen looks like it sums up Season 8 pretty neatly: swashbuckling.

Here’s the Loading Screen for Week 1, courtesy of lucas7yoshi_.

Fortnite Season 8 Week 1 Loading Screen 1

This is going to take you a second to find the Battle Star as it looks like an all new area, but here it is atop what looks like a small watchtower.

Fortnite Season 8 Week 1 Loading Screen 1 Battle Star

Judging from what we know of the Fortnite Season 8 map so far, the Battle Star will be situated near where Lazy Lagoon separates into the ocean, below is a rough estimate.

Fortnite Season 8 Week 1 Loading Screen 1 Battle Star map

We will update with the proper position when downtime is over.

Don’t forget: you will only be able to see this Battle Star once you have completed all of the challenges for Week 1. Claiming the Battle Star will essentially give you a free tier for your Battle Pass to get the skins, which is never a bad thing. Here’s the Week 2 Loading Screen as well.

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