Fortnite Getting A New Light Machine Gun Soon

Fortnite: Battle Royale

Fortnite is just a content factory that keep releasing updates and additions every other minute, seemingly in an effort to keep its fanbase occupied and to change the meta up constantly. However, it’s highly unlikely that there will be any changes to the way people play with the next announced gun.

The Light Machine Gun is coming to Fortnite soon, because apparently the minigun wasn’t useless enough already. The two weapons will seemingly operate in a very similar way, i.e. completely unsuitable for the fast-paced mayhem of Fortnite.

The LMG has previously been in the Save the World component of Fortnite, but just like the minigun it is now coming to Battle Royale.

According to data discovered by Storm Shield One, the LMG will have a fast rate of fire and a more than okay damage output of 26. It will have an okay spread/bloom, but the reload time of almost five seconds means that it probably won’t be the first choice for anyone.

Historically, Epic Games have released new weapons just over a week after announcing them. The Port-a-Fort was quickly introduced after being announced, so there won’t be much of a wait before you get to embarrass yourself with the LMG.

If you’re after more Fortnite, we’ve got some beginner’s tips, the best landing spots, and the experts you need to be watching.

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