Counter-Strike Meets Fallout 4 in Nuclear Strike

CS Fallout

Gamespot have unearthed a thing of beauty and its name is Nuclear Strike.

Courtesy of YouTuber westracer, we now have a Counter-Strike (CS) Fallout 4 crossover that looks as good as it sounds. The video shows the main character using a Pip-Boy (although the one in the video is considerably faster than the one I have in the Commonwealth). We also see the use of V.A.T.S to devastating effect throughout the video.

It looks good, it sounds good and if this video was edible, I’m sure it would taste good too. Westracer has created a thing of magnificence.

What I especially like about the video is the fact that you can see the players’ names above their health bars, exactly like in Fallout 4 when you enter V.A.T.S. That and the use of fast travel makes for a very entertaining and well-made clip. Even the Stimpak animation is just like the one in the game.

At the end, just for our amusement, we have another player drop into the arena in power armour just to add insult to injury to the other team.

If Nuclear Strike were available right now, I wouldn’t hesitate to buy it, despite the fact that my brief foray into CS ended up with me killing most of my own team and running away when the terrorists pitched up.

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