Campo Santo’s Firewatch is Becoming a Movie

Firewatch Game

Firewatch is a game that excels with its narrative, telling the human and relatable story of a man and a woman slowly falling in love despite only ever talking through a walkie-talkie. Of course there’s a lot more to it than that, but that’s a fairly snappy blurb on the game, something which no doubt made Hollywood execs sit up and take notice.

Campo Santo’s Firewatch will be coming to a big screen near you soon. Good Universe will be teaming up with the developers to make it happen, though there is no release date in sight.

Revealed by The Hollywood Reporter, the adaptation will reportedly be the start of a collaboration between the two companies of “projects that can bridge both the video game and feature film worlds”. Very oblique explanation there, but it indicates that this will be an ongoing partnership and not a one and done.

Speaking to THR, Campo Santo found Seana Vanaman said:

“When we met Good Universe we were floored by how they recognize, cultivate, and produce incredible stories. It’s rare you meet another group that shares so many of your values and makes the process of creating things even more exciting. We can’t wait to see what we make together.”

Firewatch is a game that might seem like an easy cinematic translation, but judging by the flat ending it had and the general consensus of disappointment, they will need to stray away from the source material slightly. There’s also the question of how interest will be maintained when it’s just two characters for the majority with shadowy figures popping up here and there. The casting will have to be spot on to recapture the chemistry between Henry and Delilah, which is some of the finest voice work committed to a video game.

So, over to you, Good Universe. Don’t fuck it up. It’s not like you have any pressure on you to make one of the few good video game movies or anything.

Firewatch was released on PS4 and PC earlier this year and has also recently made its way to Xbox One.

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