Bowser Hired as Nintendo America’s New Sales VP

Yes that’s right, the new vice president of sales for Nintendo America is Bowser. It’s a curious move by the company, but since Mario is the current head of distribution in Europe (thanks in part to the fact that he’s bilingual), it makes sense that they would want to put a bit of distance between the two. Donkey Kong has yet to comment on the change in management, with rumours still circulating that he might have fallen off the wagon again after he was spotted climbing a scaffold in San Fransisco.

Alright, I made most of that up, but the headline is true. Doug Bowser has been taken on as the new sales VP, having previously worked as vice president of global business planning over at Castle Koopa. I mean EA. Pretty solid credentials and you have to think that in some way or another his name gave him a slight edge. I mean how could you ever not notice. In his new position, Bowser will oversee much of the distribution management, marketing and merchandising for Nintendo’s American contingent as well as looking after retail marketing at the Nintendo World store in New York City.

Now, I don’t want to vehemently affirm the suggestion that this is a thinly disguised attempt by Bowser (the real one) to lend more influence to his name in the first part of a gradual hostile takeover, but don’t come crying to me when a few years from now you’re playing Super Bowser Galaxy on some spiky control pad that breathes fire when you press A (actually that sounds pretty cool). Of course, on the flip side, this could influence other gaming companies into hiring appropriately named staff to their senior sales positions. We could have a senior sales manager at Sega Europe named Charles Robotnik, it would certainly give them a better foothold in Eastern Europe. I know Konami aren’t all that interested in gaming anymore, but if an intrepid, up and coming chief administrative officer also happened to be named Pyramid Head, well how could they refuse?

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