Battlefield V Firestorm Datamine Reveals Lots Of Potential Details

Look, another battle royale.


A recent datamine has potentially revealed a host of new details coming to Battlefield V’s Firestorm battle royale mode, due to arrive this month as part of the next Tides of War chapter. The new details point to some interesting additions to the mode, including helicopters, classes and safes.

The datamine, which comes courtesy of reddit user Temporyal, points to your standard 3 playable battle royale modes, solo, duos and 4-man squads, with a maximum of 64 players across all four modes. Different classes will be available to choose from, though it’s unclear whether or not they’ll be the same classes that feature in the Multiplayer.

The map itself seems to be based in Norway, and there will be safes that can opened, probably containing high level weapons and loot. Items like backpacks and armour are tiered, like most other battle royale games. The map will also include Conquest style objectives, which can be liberated and will likely reward players with vehicles or reinforcements.

The reinforcements look to be where Firestorm will offer something a bit different, as they will include things like a V1 Rocket, an Artillery Strike, a supply drop and more. They appear to be sort of similar to the ultimates in Apex Legends, but we’re crossing our fingers that they’ll be earnable in-game via those objectives, just to make things a bit different.

What are you thoughts on this Firestorm datamine? Check out the full reddit post above and let us know in the comments.

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