Even long after The Great British Bake Off has finished (yes I’m still not over it), there’s still every reason to try out new baking recipes. You may be a more cynical baking recruit, you have been roped into some kind of unofficial cake-bringing in rota, which has started ever since the guy you hate in the team opposite brought in a red velvet cake the other week and everyone followed suit. Or whether you’re trying to get a promotion, eat yourself through the working day, or simply trying to be nice to your workmates, it is clear that taking cake to work is always a good idea.
This article will give you some pointers to send you in the best cakey direction.
1. DO keep it simple.
Cookies are definitely one of the best options, after all how can you go wrong with them? They’re relatively quick and easy to make and everyone loves them. Plus there’s probably over a billion cookie recipes on the net – go on go find one and make some cookie goodness. Other good options are brownies and sponge cakes.
2. But don’t keep it too simple
Cookies are good but don’t go too simple, you don’t want it to look like a child made them and for your colleagues to be disappointed. There’s nothing worse than disappointing calories, plus you need to look like you made an effort. This kind of stuff can get competitive. After all they need to be better than Jeff in IT’s cupcakes last week don’t they?
3. DO Beware of creating a gooey mess.
Let’s face it, most people are going to be eating the cake where they work so you don’t want sticky fingers all over your keyboard, unless you’re providing napkins too.
4. DON’T over decorate.
Nobody likes a show off – this is for a mid-morning tea break, not a cake decorating competition. Plus truthfully how will an icing landscape masterpiece fair on your morning commute?
5. DO listen to some cheesy music while you get your bake on
If you’re not such a confident baker, put some Wham or something suitably cheesy on full blast and watch some YouTube videos of cake vloggers. After watching some, you’ll realise baking is cool and not too difficult. Plus, you can eat some of the cake mix that’s left in the bowl before you wash up and everyone loves cake mix.
6. (Perhaps the most important) Don’t buy and pretend you baked.
Yes, everyone has considered it, but it won’t work. People know a Mr Kipling slice when they eat one, it’s fine if you can’t bake and yet you feel obliged to bring in a sweet item. It’s fine to buy and say you bought, people may think you’re rubbish at life and silently judge. But silent judging is fine, lying and getting found out is worse, do you really want to become known as the one who cheated on baking a cake? Or if you’re really crafty you could get a good-at-baking friend to bake for you and your colleagues would never know. So long as it’s homemade it’s fine.
These are the six rules to live by when taking a cake into work. If you do this you can’t go wrong: everyone will love you and you’ll feel awesome.
*listening to Wham is optional but the rest of the rules aren’t.
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