Short Stories: Colours

Colours Short Stories

As Amy woke up this morning, the usual rays of the sun beckoned her and the birds chirped in a tune that wasn’t familiar to her. She neither felt happiness nor sadness, every day felt the same and this was a sensation she was content with. Days were favourable, there were always two sets of shades in everything she saw or touched: black and white. She walked down her street, knowing that she was content with the monotonous routine, a life with no colours, because in reality she had no idea what colours meant or the significance. Sometimes you get so used to a certain way of life, that you fear any change or fear the joy that comes with colourful emotions.

It was just another day to Amy, but that day heaven and earth were aligned for her.

The universe conspired to bring colour into her. So two angels were sent, and as Amy trudged down her street, a detour was placed in her path. So instead of heading to her dark corner of the desk where she wrote and attempted to communicate with individuals who relied so heavily on social media, a diversion formed like a tornado, and all it required was Amy’s dainty first step to change her world for the better.

Thankfully that’s what she did.

When she saw him, all that could be noticed was the blue in his jeans. She couldn’t stop staring at this shade of blue, but he had grabbed her attention. Her instinct was to ignore him and walk away. Destiny had other plans though, and in the next few days a torrent of colours were sprinkled on her path. Every time Amy spoke to this boy the colors exploded in a rhythm that was unfamiliar and suddenly the days were good.

Suddenly everything had life, she was dazzled by the reds and yellows emitted by the sun and each person she met had moonbeams echoing from their souls. She was confused, even nights had a glow that she couldn’t describe. Sometimes she couldn’t even close her eyes; for fear that she would miss the emblem of light emitting from the shooting stars in her once dark twilight.

Amy wanted to ask the guy next to her, who she was gradually falling for, if he saw the same when he looked at her. Was he equally dazzled by the constellation on her face? She was afraid to ask, in case the brightness faded. She saw colours that she had never seen before, but when she analysed it she realised her mind had opened to new possibilities and love. Colours were emotions she had hidden under a pitch-black corner of her frozen heart. This was the way life was supposed to be.

There was no way Amy would go back to the pitch-black life she had been living after this experience. She was ready to continue radiating colour and shining bright this day and every night hereafter in her life.

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