It’s almost hard to believe it, but the Uncharted series is no longer a PlayStation exclusive with the Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection making its way to PC, bringing the blockbuster action to a different platform without a Sony logo on it for the first time. While both Uncharted 4 and The Lost Legacy really flourish when played with the best graphics cards and monitor, they both work pretty well on the Steam Deck.
Valve’s portable powerhouse isn’t the best way to play either game, but the sheer fact that two games that were tentpoles for the PlayStation 4 can now fit in the palm of your hands is still very impressive. Sure, you lose a lot of resolution and detail when you shrink the action down and those fans sure do run pretty dang hot and loud, but it’s the same Drake and Frazer adventures that you know and love, just a bit blurrier.
Here’s how to make the best of Uncharted on Steam Deck by fiddling with some of its settings.
Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Recommended Steam Deck Settings

Resolution Scaling
AMD FSR 2 – Performance
FSR Sharpness – 80
Render Scale – Off
Display Settings
V-Sync – Off
Lock Frames to 30 – Off
Performance Counters – Off
Brightness – 6
Motion Blur Intensity – 1 (tiny bit to cover lack of smoothness, but feel free to turn off)
Advanced Graphics
Preset – Custom
Textures – Ultra
Model Quality – Enhanced
Anisotropic Filter – Ultra
Shadows – High
Reflections – Ultra
Ambient Occlusion – Ultra
The settings remain largely uniform across both Uncharted 4 and The Lost Legacy. You may want to turn shadows and reflections down even further, as neither are things you will notice a whole amount on a small screen.
With these Steam Deck settings, players should be able to get both Uncharted games running between 40-60fps fairly consistently, though with plenty of hitches and chugging, as well as a loud fan due to how hard to the Deck has to work. Still, it’s a marvel that these games can even work handheld in the first place, especially considering how relatively recent they are as AAA blockbusters. The Lost Legacy looks particularly nice.
While Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection works great on the Deck itself, it really isn’t recommended that you play it while docked. Blowing the image will show off how rough some of the textures are when pared down to work on the Deck and the whole thing looks frankly not great. Keep it handheld.
READ NEXT: Uncharted PC: How To Enable HDR
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