Sons of the Forest: Where To Find the Firefighter Axe

Sons Of The Forest Firefighter Axe
Sons Of The Forest Firefighter Axe

You’re going to spend a lot of time chopping down trees and fending off cannibals in Sons of the Forest with your handy axes, whether that’s the Tactical Axe you start off with or the Modern Axe. The best axe of all, though, is the Firefighter Axe, but you’re going to have to do a whole lot of work before you can get your hands on it.

Before you go to the Firefighter Axe location, you’re going to need to find the Shovel, which also requires you to have the Rope Gun and Rebreather. We’ll put a Shovel location video down below, but just be warned that this is possibly the single hardest item in the game to get to.

Once you have the Shovel, you can now start to uncover some of the underground areas of the map. There’s one place specifically that you need to get to to find the Firefighter Axe, Maintenance A, and that’s to the northeast of the helicopter crash site.

Here is where you can find Maintenance A on the GPS map (yellow arrow):

Sons Of The Forest Firefighter Axe
Sons Of The Forest Firefighter Axe

Once you’re at the location, go into your inventory and equip the shovel, then you should hold down left click to keep continuously digging up the dirt at the green circle on your map. Just keep digging and digging until the hatch to Maintenance A becomes visible and you can interact with it.

Maintenance A Sons of the Forest
Maintenance A Sons of the Forest
Sons Of The Forest
Sons Of The Forest Maintenance A

Climb down the ladder and get inside. The Firefighter Axe is at the very end of this corridor inside a glass cabinet, but beware that there are some baby mutants here. Throw a couple of molotovs into the far end room and use your Bow or Spear to mop them up. They aren’t the most dangerous enemies in the game, but they sure are annoying.

Sons of the Forest Firefighter Axe
Sons of the Forest Firefighter Axe

The rest of this location is well worth exploring, as the room where it looks like someone was living houses a 3D Printer, Maintenance Keycard, and even somewhere to save.

The Firefighter Axe is the best axe in the game and is very good at felling enemies and trees, but bear in mind that it has a slow swing.

Sons of the Forest is available on PC.

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