Sons of the Forest: Where to Find the Chainsaw

Sons of the Forest Chainsaw
Sons of the Forest Chainsaw

Sons of the Forest offers you a wide selection of weapons to choose from, but you must first discover them on the mysterious island. From a Firefighter Axe to a Shotgun, there is no shortage of powerful weapons but the Chainsaw is arguably the most gruesome melee weapon in Sons of the Forest.

Kills with the Chainsaw are satisfying and if you want to get your hands on the weapon for some devastating action, you’ll need to get your hands on the Maintenance Key Card first. To get the Maintenance Key card, you need to use your Shovel to dig into a bunker. Check out the video below to find out how to get the Maintenance Key Card.

Once you have the Maintenance Key Card, you need to find the Guest Key Card that guides you to the Chainsaw. Luckily, it is easy to find and you need to head to an area close to where you found the Maintenance Key Card.

Sons of the Forest Chainsaw Location
Sons of the Forest Chainsaw Location

On your GPS, look for the green dot on the western side of the map. It should be located northwest of a large waterbody and between a couple of rivers. Make your way to the facility and you will be able to access it using your Maintenance Key Card.

Sons of the Forest Guest Key Card
Sons of the Forest Guest Key Card

Once you are inside, you will discover the Guest Key Card, which can then take you to the swimming pool room.

Go through the swimming pool room straight through the hallway and you will reach the movie theater room that houses the Chainsaw.

Sons of the Forest Chainsaw Location
Sons of the Forest Chainsaw Location

Inside the theater room, you will notice that there’s a corpse sitting up and the chainsaw will be right next to it. Once you retrieve the chainsaw, you make your way out of the area safely. We recommend not using the Chainsaw right away as there are too many enemies in the area that will be alerted. You can explore the rest of the area if you want to before leaving.

While it might be enticing to use the Chainsaw against enemies, it might be a better idea to save it for chopping down trees. The Chainsaw is much faster at cutting down trees than the regular axe and you will save a lot of time when gathering logs. Beware, though, that it chews through a lot of batteries.

Sons of the Forest is available on PC.

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