Ryan Gosling’s ‘Lost River’ BOMBS at Cannes

“SAY IT AIN’T SO,” I cried whilst howling at the moon and tearing off my shirt upon hearing the news that Ryan Gosling’s ‘Lost River‘ is reportedly…terrible.

Lost River

The directorial debut from the King of Indie has been as hotly-anticipated as his nipples’ next on-screen appearance and considering how many Hollywood stars are delivering quality with their first features of late, you’d expect The Gosling to keep the trend going.


Matt Smith

Instead, it’s been BOOED at Cannes during its screening and has received smatterings of bad reviews elsewhere. We all know that it’s very much a purist’s festival where classics have been slated before going onto greatness but judging from the trailer, the critics might have a point.

By the way, that is Matt Smith.

Here’s a snippet of the reception ‘Lost River‘ has been getting so far. The inhumanity of it all.

Could it be as bad as these early reviews make out? Be sure to let us know in the comment section below.

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