Rust EU Servers Coming Back Online After Catastrophic Fire

Progress has been reset, mind you.

Rust Stables
Rust Stable

Facepunch Studios have revealed that EU Rust servers are slowly coming online, after a fire in the Strasbourg, France data center knocked most of the servers offline and caused huge data loss. Facepunch announced on Twitter that fire meant data wouldn’t be retrievable, but that didn’t stop the replies from devolving into entitled players begging for compensation.


A Fire At The Data Center?

Yes, the fire was announced earlier today in another tweet from Facepunch. The tweet reads: “25 of our EU servers remain offline due to a fire at OVH Datacenter in the early hours of this morning. Unfortunately, the fire destroyed SBG-2 building. We’re expecting a large amount of data loss across the affected servers.” Thankfully, nobody was hurt during the fire, but reportedly 100 firefighters were called to the scene.

Slowly, Facepunch have been bringing the EU servers back online throughout the day, with 21 out of the 25 affected servers reported to be back online through Facepunch’s Twitter account. Again, game progress has been reset for each server, but it’s good to hear that service has mostly resumed and no one was harmed. In all honesty, this situation could easily have been a lot more tragic.

READ MORE: New Rust PS4 & Xbox One Teaser Trailer Shows Off Console Action


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