POTENTIALLY revealed people. That’s the key word there. Let’s not jump aboard the hype train just yet. A forum member for ResetEra yesterday reported that Amazon has listed Rockstar’s next big release Red Dead Redemption 2 for release on July 12th 2018.
Now before we all flock to Amazon and crash their website with enquiries, we need to stipulate a few things. Firstly, the date was only released on the Mexican Amazon website. I did a quick trawl on both the UK and US sites and they remain stolidly unhelpful. No release date on either site, although I was amused to find that the UK site had people already reviewing RDR2 even though it hasn’t even come out.
But that’s another story.
There are two ways in which this could have gone down. Either Amazon Mexico has the real date and they’ve just dropped the ball, or they’ve put a placeholder date in just for the sake of it or even by mistake. Let’s not forget that when people were speculating as to what the next Battlefield game would be Amazon in Germany listed it as a First World War FPS, so perhaps we shouldn’t dismiss this so quickly.
Either way, both the rumour mill and the hype train will be in full motion when everyone else gets to grips with this. Rockstar so far have been very quiet on the subject of when RDR2 will be hitting the shelves. Provisionally, the release date was Early 2018, but the game has already been delayed a few times, so a date of July 12th could make sense.
Having checked the Amazon Mexico site I can confirm that at the time of writing this article RDR2 still this release date listed, so is this the real deal? Are we going to see other online stores quickly follow suit or is someone at Amazon Mexico about to get an almighty balling out? Only time will tell.
Do you think this is just someone who dropped the ball rather horrifically or have Amazon Mexico got it spot on? Let us know in the comments below. If you’re interested in games already out, check out our reviews for InnerSpace and The Vanishing of Ethan Carter.
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