Is Outlast 2 Coming Out in April?

Outlast 2

After unwrapping my shiny new PlayStation 4, I made my way to PlayStation Plus to see what “free” goodies awaited me. A game I had been keeping an eye on, Outlast, was available, so I didn’t hesitate to stumble through its nightmarish world.

What I found was one of the most claustrophobic, terrifying games I had ever played, one that, unlike so many others, kept the scares coming right up until the final moments. Realising it was a horror classic, I wasted no time in researching a sequel.

Nothing much looked like it was happening with the game’s developer, Red Barrels, seemingly in no rush to cement a release date or even confirm it. Though they did officially announce that Outlast 2 was going to be a thing, we have only had a smattering of teasers to tide us over.

As of yesterday, we have one more.

From YouTube commenter 2446madog:

“If you play the video in reverse you get something like this: “children, you lovers of god and … of his paradise all our years of suffering come together now in this glorious day of … in the corrupt and filthy … on the fourth month and twenty second day of the 16th year of the 3rd millennium our reckoning begins. waits at the … for this world… thirst for blood and we like the angels must show no mercy. god love you”

I think RB’s hinting the game’s release date to be April 22, 2016″

EDIT: I forgot RB’s initial release date was somewhere around fall. Then it might be hinting towards some additional game preview.

So, it looks like we may be getting Outlast 2 or just some gameplay, which seems the most likely. Damn excited to see what comes around.

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