ONRUSH Gets Open Beta Starting Next Week


Codemasters and Koch Media have announced the dates for the open beta of their upcoming arcade racer ONRUSH. The test period will run from 2pm BST on Thursday 17th May until 10am BST on Monday 21st May on both PS4 and Xbox One, though if you pre-order the game digitally on the PS4, you can access the beta two days earlier. The perks of being a PlayStation owner, eh?

The open beta will include an interactive tutorial mode, which is necessary considering ONRUSH is unlike most other arcade racers on the market. Once you’ve finished that, you can either hone your skills further in the Superstar Practice mode against AI, or move straight to the 6v6 multiplayer.

Of course, the beta won’t give you access to the full game. The beta will include two unique tracks complete with day/night cycles and inclement weather effects, along with two game modes and 4 vehicle classes. You’ll be able to race with the Blade, Vortex, Interceptor and Titan classes, and you can get more details about those classes and the other 4 available in the full game right here.

Meanwhile, the two modes add a new dimension to the traditional racing mechanics. Overdrive sees you building and expending boost in order to earn points for your team, whilst in Countdown, you must race through checkpoints so that you can extend your team’s collective timer.

We had the chance to play ONRUSH at an event a few months back, and we really enjoyed ourselves. Check out our thoughts below:

We’re optimistic about Onrush’s chances. The fusion of styles is a shot in the arm for the racing genre, and one that has every chance of catching on with gamers all over. We certainly felt the Rush, and you probably will too when the game launches this June for PS4 and Xbox One.

The full game will be released on the 5th June for PS4 and Xbox One. Are you excited for ONRUSH? Sound off in the comments below, and if you can’t make time for the beta because you’re still playing God of War, check out what the most recent update added to the game.

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