No Man’s Sky Patch Landing Soon for “Critical Issues”

No Man's Sky spaceships

No Man’s Sky launched earlier in the week and today on PC to answer one of the biggest questions in the gaming world: does it justify the hype? Although the jury is still out on that one (we’re waiting to have a few dozen hours into the game before reviewing it), one thing’s for certain: it has its issues.

Some of those issues, as is expected with gigantic, procedurally generated universes, are bugs and glitches, some so bad that they are breaking the game for players. Sean Murray, who’s probably the most exhausted man in gaming right now, recently announced on the blog that No Man’s Sky will be getting another patch to iron out some of the worst issues.

“We’re tracking a number of issues, bugs and crashes that players are reporting, and working to resolve as soon as possible.

“The number of people players, and length of average play session, has been far more than our small team could have anticipated. That said, we’re working quickly to adapt.

“We sincerely apologise to anyone affected in the meantime.”

In the meantime, Murray also shared some workarounds designed to help those out in some sticky situations:

– If you believe you are stuck, or can’t reach your ship, be aware you can jetpack forever whilst pushing against any surface
– If you have made a mistake – you can revert to any of your two previous saves in the Options Menu
– If you have left your ship somewhere inaccessible, you will be able to summon it from landing pads or beacons found at most buildings or points of interest (marked by question marks)

Murray also announced that the small team will be taking a QA Team larger than the actual Hello Games squad to deal with the onslaught of support requests and general busywork. No Man’s Sky will need a lot of tender love and care over the coming months to keep it stable and to fix the doubtless quintillion issues that such a big game will conjure up.

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