Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Title Update 4 Delayed

Alatreon's arrival has been pushed back.

Iceborne 1

Capcom have announced that Title Update 4 for Monster Hunter World: Iceborne has been delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, joining an ever-growing list of games that have been affected by “The Event”. Check out the tweet below.

In the tweet, Capcom state that the working from home environment that the current situation has introduced has caused impacts on production, resulting in a necessary delay. This has also affected the voice over work for the Italian, Spanish and French language versions of the game, which will be replaced by simplified versions.

The developers have altered the roadmap for Iceborne accordingly, with Arch-Tempered Namielle and a limited time Event Quest set to start on May 1st. Meanwhile, Alatreon and other monsters and content updates have been scheduled for the future, so if you’re a Monster Hunter player, you’ve still got plenty to look forward to.

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