Konami Release New Metal Gear Survive Images

Metal gear Survive

Just in case you have somehow avoided the internet for a day or two, you might want to know that the first Metal Gear game since Hideo Kojima left Konami has been announced. It’s a multiplayer co-op game featuring wormholes abnd zombie unicorns by the name of Metal Gear Survive.

No, we are not kidding.

Despite the absolutely nuclear response to the game from fans, Konami are going ahead with Metal Gear Survive and are looking at a 2017 release date. From early impressions, it looks like a cross of Umbrella Corps, Left 4 Dead, and broken dreams. A safe bet would say that Hideo Kojima left the plans for Survive in his desk at Konami as one final joke and they were too devoid of ideas to go with anything else.

Anyway, Konami have release a bunch of images for Metal Gear Survive for the game’s teaser website. Check them out below, even if they are just screengrabs from the trailer:

Metal gear Survive

Metal gear Survive

Metal gear Survive

Metal gear Survive

Metal gear Survive

Metal gear Survive

Metal gear Survive

Metal gear Survive

Metal gear Survive

Metal gear Survive

Metal gear Survive

Metal Gear Survive will arrive on Xbox One, PS4, and PC next year. No gameplay footage has been revealed but anyone planning on watching it when it is revealed is advised to wear flame retardant boots to help stamp out the dumpster fire.

I struggled to hold back in a rant about the game. Check it out below.

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