Johnny Cage Is Back In Mortal Kombat 11, But Can’t Hit His Fatality On The First Take

Award winning actor, award winning fatality.

Mortal Kombat

It was only a matter of time before he was confirmed, but today it became official. Mortal Kombat’s resident movie star Johnny Cage has been confirmed for Mortal Kombat 11, and he looks absolutely incredible. Perhaps aside from his face though. Is it just us, or does his face look a bit odd? Check out the trailer from IGN below.

Johnny retains a lot of his classic moves, like his green orb projectiles, shadow kick, backflip kick and jumping elbow uppercut. He’s also got a few new attacks, like a counter attack that sees Johnny attacking like a mime before sucker punching his opponent (shout out to Ninja Mime), or a move where his stunt double grabs Johnny’s opponent from behind so the action star can hit his foe in the lovespuds.

However, it’s his Fatal Blow and Fatality that are worthy of your attention. His Fatal Blow sees him leathering the crap out of his opponent before teeing off on them with an awards statue. As for his fatality, it’s a play on his classic Deadly Uppercut fatality where he punches his opponent’s head off. Seems like Johnny needs a few takes to get it right.

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