Why I’m Excited About For Honor

For Honor
For Honor

I remember seeing the first trailer of For Honor for the first time at E3 2015 and thinking, this could be it, this could be the game that I’ve been wanting but haven’t been able to get my hands on – until now. I’m glad that Ubisoft considers now to be the ideal time to release another trailer with as much quality as the initial one. It definitely satisfied me and sparked hype which had been dying out ever since the action packed trailer was released over a year ago.

Now I usually am the kind of guy to never pre-order a game before seeing reviews of full game copies. Especially considering Ubisoft’s dodgy past and Watch Dogs in particular; a game I was genuinely hyped about and almost pre-ordered. It turned out to be a buggy mess of a game with a short campaign. Ever since then I’ve always held the belief of never judging a game by its trailer. You can never trust trailers these days due to them being relied upon to generate large numbers of pre-orders and subsequently such a large percentage of a game’s earnings. But For Honor is seriously testing me. One more trailer like this and it may push me to my breaking point.

In For Honor you fight for one of 3 factions; Vikings, Samurai and Knights. Each one has 4 classes with unique weapons and fight styles, from what we can see from the trailer. It is unclear what reasons they have to fight each other, aside from to assure their own survival. From both trailers it appears that no one faction is better than the other since they just keep going at it nonstop. There is also the ominous character of Apollyon that seems to purely want war. This female antagonist’s only goal is to keep the factions at war with each other.

For Honor may just look like a polished hack’n’slash but I can assure you it is not. The game’s main focus is one versus one duels. Fighting isn’t based around mindlessly mashing all the attack patterns in hope of a victory but instead gives you full control over your weapons’ positions and movements. This has been named ‘the art of war’ by its developers. After many years of gaming, uniqueness is something that is often lacking so a fresh game with a different approach to fighting is going to be something that peaks my interest. I really hope that they strike the balance well with it being intuitive to use but challenging to master.

My opinion of this game is that it looks very promising. If the combat has a lot of depth it will definitely awake the competitiveness in me. I personally love games that can become very competitive. If everything works according to what the trailers have promised then great, we’ve got an awesome game. All I can say is that I’m waiting eagerly to be accepted for the Alpha or Beta. If you haven’t signed up for it then why not? You’ve got nothing to lose.

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