A Hitman TV Series Is Coming to Hulu

hitman 2 silent asssassin
Hitman 2 Silent Assassin

Undeterred by the “modest” performance of the two adaptations released in cinemas, another studio is having a stab at bringing Hitman to the screen, just a much smaller one this time out.

Hitman will be getting a TV show created in co-operation by Fox and Hulu and available on the latter. No release date or anything of the sort has been confirmed just yet – the project is very much in its infancy.

Promisingly, however, Derek Kolstad, who created John Wick, will be drafting up the pilot script. If there’s anyone who knows how to make entertaining violence, it’s Kolstad. He will reportedly be looking to keep the same tone as the game’s, so watch this space.

hitman 2016

It’s worth noting also that, per Deadline’s report, two Hitman games are currently in the works. One has already been confirmed, but this second one is as mysterious as 47 himself. A spin-off in the same vein as Hitman Go, perhaps?

IO Interactive seem to have flourished since cutting ties with long-time publisher Square Enix. They’ve had huge amounts of players for their episodic Hitman game, released new editions of said game, and may not even need a new publisher if the success keeps up.

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