Fortnite Season X Blockbuster: Search Between A Basement Film Camera, Snowy Stone Head & Gold Big Rig

Season 4 vibes.

Snowy Stone Head

Fortnite Season X, Week 5 has dropped and with it comes the ‘Blockbuster’ mission. This week’s challenges are fairly involved, reviving some of the older ‘treasure hunt’ style missions that were so popular in earlier seasons. This mission has a heavy focus on film and movies, hence the ‘Blockbuster’ title.

This article specifically focuses on the normal treasure hunt challenge, which asks you to search between a basement film camera, a snowy stone head and a flashy gold big rig.

Below is a map with the three landmarks circled. The basement film camera is circled in yellow, the snowy stone head is circled in green and the flashy gold big rig is circled in blue. The treasure is circled in red.


Basement Film Camera, Snowy Stone Head & Gold Big Rig Map

Basement Film Camera, Snowy Stone Head & Gold Big Rig

As you can see, this challenge is primarily contained in C6 and D6 on the main map’s grid, taking place southwest of Tilted Town and northwest of Shifty Shafts.


Basement Film Camera Location

Fortnite Basement Camera

The basement film camera (circled in yellow) has existed for quite some time now, being in the game since Season 4 (which focused heavily on film as inspiration). To the west of Shifty Shafts are two houses, the southernmost house has a basement. It is in this basement you will find a film camera and a green screen room. It is located at D7 on the main map’s grid.


Stone Head Location

Fortnite Snowy Head

The snowy stone head (circled in green) is an artifact of an older season as well. It is located atop a very small incline just north of the frozen lake that was once Greasy Grove. C6 on the main map’s grid.


Flashy Gold Big Rig Location

Flashy Gold Big Rig

There has always been a truck located just southwest of Tilted on the main road. It is in recent history, though, that it has received such a ‘gaudy’ paint job. The flashy gold big rig (circled in blue) is located at D6 on the main map’s grid, on the main road, north of Shifty Shafts, south of Tilted Town.


Search Between A Basement Film Camera, Snowy Stone Head & Gold Big Rig Treasure Location

Fortnite Treasure Blockbuster

The treasure (circled in red), is located atop a steep hill between all three of these landmarks. At the apex of this hill will be a small dirt patch, which spawns the treasure. It is located on the intersection of C6 and D6 on the main map’s grid.


Search Between A Basement Film Camera, Snowy Stone Head & Gold Big Rig Video Guide

Once you’ve found and interacted with the treasure, you can mark that off the list. Finishing the rest of the normal challenges will unlock the Renegade Rollers pickaxe skin and allow you to prestige the mission, unlocking new challenges, one of which is another treasure hunt challenge.

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