Fortnite Season 8 Battle Pass Available For Free With #ShareTheLove

That's a power play if ever there was one.

Share The Love

In a move seemingly inspired by Valentine’s Day and the overwhelming debut of Apex Legends, Epic Games have announced that the Battle Pass for Season 8 will be up for grabs for absolutely nothing to all players.

Starting from today, Overtime challenges will be patched in with the 7.40 update that will give players the Season 8 Battle Pass for free upon completion. We don’t know what these Overtime challenges are yet, but there’s a hefty thirteen of them, presumably to tide everyone over until February 28th when Season 8 launches; Season 7’s challenges are all out, meaning the season is effectively done.

The Overtime challenges will be available from today whenever the patch is deployed (update, they are now live) up until February 27th. You will not need to have purchased the Battle Pass for Season 7 to complete them. Those who did buy the Battle Pass will be able to unlock customisable styles for Trog, Powder, and Onesie for completing the Overtime challenges, which you can see below.

Fortnite Share The Love

This is a bold move from Epic, who must earn an absolute killing every three months from the new Battle Passes coming out. However, with Apex Legends already rampaging to 25 million players in under a week, it seems like a serious power play to retain fans. The Battle Pass traditionally costs £7.99 and the majority of the millions upon millions of Fortnite fans buy it each season, so that’s a lot of money they are forgoing. I have not played Fortnite since Apex came out, but now I’m pretty tempted.

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