Week three of season 5 is here and it appears the changes made transition to season 5 are holding steady. Three of the seven weekly challenges are still free, while the other four still require the Battle Pass to complete. Therefore, if you want all seven challenges for the week, you need to purchase a Battle Pass for 950 V-Bucks. If you’d prefer to wait, you can buy the Battle Pass anytime throughout the season and be granted access to all challenges from previous weeks
Below is a list of the seven challenges for week three and how to complete them.
Free Tiers
Deal damage to opponents in a single match (500 damage)
This replaces the typical do X amount of damage with Y weapon challenge that we see every week. This time however, instead of a specific weapon, you’re asked to do 500 damage in a single match. Completing this challenge may take a few attempts. Try landing in very populated areas (Paradise Palms, Tilted Towers, etc.), pray for early weapon luck, hoping to nail some early kills. Squads and Duos is the better mode to do this in as doing damage to a downed player counts as damage. This effectively doubles the amount of damage you can do to a single player.
Use a Launchpad (1 time)
The wildcard challenge for the week. Find a launch (the hard part), place it down and use it. Easily done.
Follow the treasure map found in Flush Factory
This is the typical treasure hunt challenge you receive every week, but this time, accessible to players without the Battle Pass. Despite being in the free tier, the challenge behaves exactly the same as usual. Find map, read map, go to treasure location and collect your Battle Star. Like usual, you can skip the map step if you know where the treasure is buried. If searching around doesn’t appeal to you, or want your tiers ASAP, we have you covered.
Battle Pass Tiers
Search chests in Fatal Fields (7 chests)
Your weekly seven chests at a location challenge. This week is Fatal Fields, the last farm standing. This is one of the better locations for this challenge, for two main reasons. The first is Fatal Fields isn’t quite as popular this season due to all the newer locations stealing the limelight. The second is there are quite a large number of chests scattered throughout the location. If you land here alone, you’ll complete this quite quickly, if not it’ll only take two or three games.
Shoot a Clay Pigeon at different locations (5 times)
This is the weekly scavenger hunt challenge. Scattered around the map are ‘skeet machines’, that fire clay discs (‘clay pigeons’) into the air. You have to locate these machines, interact with them, then shoot the disc before it hits the ground. Repeat at five different machines. If you’re looking for a guide detailing all their locations, we have one in the works.
Eliminate opponents in Haunted Hills (5 eliminations)
The straightforward weekly get three kills in Y location challenge. This time you might notice however, they want you to get five instead of three kills. This is a strange departure from the norm, considering Haunted Hills isn’t an exactly popular area to land in season 5. Who can say why they upped it to five, maybe to boost the player traffic in that region of the map (it’s pretty barren up there)? Regardless, you’d want to get this one done quick while everyone is landing here, because once the rush dies down, it’s going to take a long time to get done.
Explosive weapon eliminations (3 eliminations)
The weekly standard get three kills with X weapon challenge. This week is explosive weapons, this includes weapons like the rocket launcher and grenade launcher, but also the thrown type of grenade as well. A relatively easy permutation for this challenge. Just collect all the grenades you find and unload them at the first poor sod you see, you’ll be done in no time.
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