Week 6 of Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 1 has touched down, bringing with it the ‘Hide and Seek’ mission. Epic seems to be fond of following up with more of the same, because like last week’s mission, Hide and Seek is another rather disappointing week of challenges. It consists of uninspired ‘go here, collect this and open that’ style challenges, with only two real challenges of note.
This article will be focused on the fifth challenge in the mission: ‘Consume Foraged Items’. This is basically identical to the Chapter 1 missions, you need to track down ten (10) foraged items and consume them. Foraged items tend to come in two forms in Chapter 2, apples and mushrooms. As this is the fifth challenge in the mission, you’ll need to complete two others before unlocking this one.
Mushrooms will restore five shields, while apples will restore ten health. You can’t consume an apple or mushroom if you’re full health or shields. Because of this, mushrooms tend to be the better option for knocking this challenge out as you don’t spawn with full shields and the amount granted by the consumable is irrelevant to completing the challenge.
Below is a map with the foraged items circled.
Foraged Items Mushroom & Apple Map
The apple spawns are circled in red, while the mushroom spawns are circled in blue. It should be noted that this is almost certainly not all the spawns in the game, but these are the ones we personally located. Remember you can eat a mixture of apples and mushrooms as long as you eat ten in total. This total of ten can be achieved over as many matches as you like.
Mini Stonehenge (Northwest Of Frenzy Farm)
To the northwest of Frenzy Farm, next to the road is a small circle of trees and inside that circle of tree is three upright stone slabs arranged in a circle. In this circle of trees exists many mushrooms ripe for consumption. E3 on the main map’s grid.
Misty Meadows Valley (South Of Misty Meadows)
Running right down the center of Misty Meadows is a river. If you follow this river directly south and traverse down the mountain and nearby cliffs, you’ll end up in a small valley with trees. In this valley you will find some mushrooms. It occupies E8 on the main map’s grid.
The Orchard (North Of Frenzy Farm)
Directly north of Frenzy Farm (across the small road) is a smaller landmark called ‘The Orchard’. As you may expect, there are two apple tree orchards here, one to the east and one to the west of the main barn. The Orchard occupies F2 and F3 on the main map’s grid.
Slurpy Swamp
Slurpy Swamp is by far the largest area containing foraged items and in turn the most total foraged items. The mushrooms here are unique, glowing due to all the slurpy juice radiation, making them exceptionally easy to spot. The drawback with this area is that they’re not densely packed, often appearing in groups of three to four, meaning you’ll have to run to a few patches to knock out ten in a single match. Glowing mushrooms will spawn all over the swamp area. Slurpy Swamp occupies B6, B7, C6, C7, D6 and D7 of the main map’s grid and all of these locations should contain mushrooms.
Weeping Woods
Weeping Woods is directly north of Slurpy Swamp and contains the non-glowing form of mushroom within it. You’ll find mushrooms throughout the forested area, containing more than enough to finish the challenge in a single visit if you don’t have much competition. Weeping Woods extends from C5, C6, D5 and finishes at D6.
With the options we’ve presented, the two best locations for doing this location quickly would be either Slurpy Swamp or the mini Stonehenge. Slurpy Swamp has heaps of mushrooms, more than enough for multiple people to complete the challenge in a single match and they glow, making them very easy to find. Mini Stonehenge is very densely packed, containing enough mushrooms to finish the quest in a single match and without much walking. It will also have very little competition thanks to it being neither a named location nor a landmark. Happy foraging.
Fortnite: Battle Royale is free-to-play on PC via the Epic Games Store, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Android.
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