Animal Crossing: New Horizons really isn’t a game about much. You land on a deserted island, get given the task of overhauling it almost entirely on your own (thanks, guys), and then the rest of what you do is up to you.
One consistent is the Nook Loan that hangs over you the more you want to expand and customise your house. If you want to continue expanding your home, you have to pay off your previous loan, which gets doubly expensive with each iteration. You’d think that Tom Nook would give you a basement for free for colonising the heck out of the backwater dump he plops you in, but whatever.
So, when Tom Nook offers you a basement for a mighty 2,498,000 Bells (a total that may make you need to dip your toe in the Stalk Market), you’d expect a grand reward for finally paying it all off after 100+ hours of fishing, shelling, and bugging.

Unfortunately not. All you get for completely paying off your Nook Loan in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the ability to customise the exterior of your house for free once a day.
While this may not sound terrible on paper, it doesn’t really match up to how much of a money dump the whole process was. Customising your exterior normally costs 5000 Bells, which isn’t really that expensive as is. You would, however, have to customise your house for 499 consecutive days to see the value based on how much your final loan is.
Make no mistake, it’s a great feeling to finally pay off the last Nook Loan, the house truly now being yours. Just maybe don’t rush to pay it off if you need an army of flamingo props instead.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons is out now exclusively for the Nintendo Switch. From our review:
“New Horizons is a great continuation of an already fantastic series of games, and paying back Tom Nook’s loan has never been so fun.”
– Animal Crossing: New Horizons: How To Predict Turnip Prices
– Animal Crossing: New Horizons: What Does The Aluminum Briefcase Do?
– Animal Crossing: New Horizons: How To Catch Fleas
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