Final Fantasy VII Rebirth: How to Dig Up the Wainwright Materials in Junon

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
GameDeveloperRelease DatePlatform(s)
Final Fantasy VII RebirthSquare EnixFebruary 29th, 2024PS5

After you snag yourself a Black Chocobo in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, one of the first things that you’ll find yourself doing is getting the parts to repair Gabe’s wagon. This task will be given to you by the lazy wainwright, along with a map. Unfortunately, the map isn’t super clear as to where the materials are hidden.

If you’re here, we’re going to assume that you’ve been wandering aimlessly around the Junon Region for long enough and that you’d just like to get on with it already. Fear not. Read on and check out our pictures to see exactly where you need to dig in order to complete this somewhat frustrating side quest.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

On to the first digging spot, then. You’ll find it to the southeast of the two side-by-side buildings toward the top of the area. See the picture above for details. Once you reach the search area, you’ll want to head between a broken-down house and one that’s still standing. Near the back right corner of the one that’s still standing, you’ll find the first piece for this quest.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

The second location can be seen above and is found in an area on your map that looks like a giant concrete slab. You’ll know that you’re close when you find yourself near a caged-up house-like enclosure. Head to the right corner by the front door to unlock the second bit of dried driftwood for the side quest.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

Now for the third and final piece. First of all, note that all three locations can be seen in the screenshot above. In any case, the third digging spot can be found on the west side of the map, where the road splits in two. When you reach the area, head toward the farmhouse and grain silo.

Before you reach it, you’ll find the third and final piece for this Final Fantasy VII Rebirth quest on a small rock to the left of the path that leads toward the house. And there you have it; now you can head back to the wainwright and complete the materials for Gabe. Even better, Gabe will reopen his business. From this point on, you can head back to The Grasslands at any time just by talking to him.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is available on PS5.

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