Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty – What is the Level Cap?

Phantom Liberty
Phantom Liberty

Phantom Liberty marks the final major push from CD Projekt Red to make Cyberpunk 2077 the best experience it can possibly be before they move onto new projects, and it’s fair to say that it will be hard to say goodnight to Night City for many of us. The expansion brings with it a brand new ending, plenty of new story quests, and over 100 new items, but the most important thing to some role-players might be that it raises the level cap.

The level cap in Phantom Liberty is 60, which is an increase of 10 from the base game. With these extra levels, players can dump more skill and attribute points into their builds and experiment with different abilities, which is especially true now that it’s fairly easy to respec. The launch of 2.0 also resets abilities for everyone with prior saves, so there’s never been a better time to experiment with your build in Cyberpunk.

If you need to level up, by far and away the best way of doing that is by completing main quests, which give out huge chunks of XP each time. You can also complete gigs to earn a little less. Just like in Dying Light, players can now intercept airdrops to get special loot and also earn a good bit of XP for clearing out the tricky enemies there.

It’s worth remembering, though, that Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty also introduces Relic skills, though you won’t need to level up to unlock points for this one. Find old Militech crates dotted around Dogtown and spend them to unlock rather overpowered new abilities, like invisibility and a giant leap that can make you like The Hunter from Left 4 Dead.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is available on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series.

READ NEXT: Cyberpunk 2077: How to Unlock Relic Perks

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