You always know when a boss shows up with a fencing sword that you’re going to be in for a spot of trouble. This is definitely the case with Orospina, Lady Embroiderer in Blasphemous 2. The third and final boss that you must overcome to advance to the area that the story has been hinting at since the beginning of Blasphemous 2. Considering the momentous occasion, naturally, you shouldn’t expect Orospina to be a pushover.
When the fight begins, the first thing that you’re going to want to note is that Orospina is incredibly fast. For this reason, you might find it’s best to use the fencing swords to defeat her, as they have the fastest attack speed of your three weapons. In general, though, you’re going to have to watch Orospina closely if you want to come out on top in this duel.
As Oropsina leaps around the arena in Blasphemous 2, she can utilize seemingly invisible threads to help her get a good angle on you, and can be tough to hit when she does this. She also tends to stand at one edge of the arena and launch a thrust attack, which you need to jump over with precise timing.
As for the move where she creates copies of herself, you’ll be happy to know that the projectiles that they shoot off can be dodged through, as can her own projectile blasts. You’re also going to want to watch out for a crescent moon-style slice that signifies she’s about to attack your position, as that’s your cue to dodge out of that area.
Note that you can also get in some extra strikes here by attacking the area as she’s appearing in it to carry out her sword swings. As for her other sword attacks, you have to jump over those as well because they can’t be dodged through, either. Remember, if you’re struggling that there are also plenty of great prayer projectiles and attacks that can help you thin her life down a bit more, especially if things are getting desperate at the end of the fight.
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