Battlefield 1: 10 Things We Want to See

Battlefield 1

Battlefield 1 has been making waves ever since we saw the release trailer earlier this month. It gave us a tantalising glimpse into what we will be enjoying in October. DICE should be applauded for trying something new, bringing us conflict that was the world’s first truly mechanised form of warfare. I for one am really looking forward to seeing more of the game, but in the meantime, here are 10 things we want to see when it hits the shelves on October 21st.


1. Historical battles

One thing I really hope to see is famous Great War battles recreated for us to take part in. This would give the player a sense of perspective to know what they were involved in. I for one can’t wait to see what it’s like when we take to the skies in a Bi-Plane or go raiding on a horse in the desert. It would also give you a very personal introduction to what Trench warfare was like. Plus, on the Frostbite Engine it would look amazing.


2.Playing Characters from different sides of the conflict

Something that Call of Duty touched upon in its first couple of games. I hope that we at least will get to play from both sides of the story. So maybe playing as an American in the trenches then switching to a Turkish conscript at Gallipoli or a young German Pilot would give the game a greater degree of depth (something that Battlefield games aren’t really known for).

Gamespot BF1
Source: Gamespot

3. Different Multiplayer modes

Notwithstanding the highly popular Squad Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Rush, Conquest etc, maybe there should be some WWI-specific modes that we can indulge in online. Modes like Trench Conquest, where you prepare to defend or attack lines of trenches and finish by taking the enemy HQ. Zeppelin Attack/Defend could be another, where you are either stationed on the giant inflatable defending it or piloting a biplane attacking it. It would test a very different set of skills and would hopefully stop players camping on the edge of the map and killing everyone from distance.


4. A longer single-player campaign

Aside from Battlefield Bad Company (1&2), Battlefield (BF) games tend to have quite short single-player campaigns. All three recent BF games had markedly short storylines and are focussed more on the multiplayer aspect. DICE should still concentrate on what they do best but maybe let the single-player campaign last longer than ten minutes, eh?


5. Command and control aspects

What we saw in the reveal trailer was more than just what we’d expect from a new BF or COD game. We saw a wider variety of weaponry, landscapes and vehicles. What I’d like to see is your character having the ability to call in an artillery bombardment or send over a few gas shells. Perhaps you should be able to command those weapons that we saw in the reveal trailer, maybe be in charge of a troop of horses in the desert or a squadron of planes. This would make you feel like the decisions you made in game really had an effect on the overall story.

Source: Medium

6. Customizable Weapons & Armour (In the Single Player Campaign)

For me this is a no brainer, being able to use what you find on the battlefield to enhance your armoury would only help you in the missions to come. Maybe being able to fix a scope on your rifle or a steel plate to protect your vitals in the trenches would make for a more enhanced gaming experience and help you succeed.


7. No Quick Time Events

No, never. They are the devil’s work and should never be allowed anywhere near a game of this quality.


8. An enhanced destruction engine

BF is famous for its destruction physics. Destroying your opponent’s cover or blowing a hole in the wall rather than use the door is part of BF’s charm and what makes the game so great. What I mean by an enhanced engine is to make the very earth around you move – being able to collapse trenches and pour rocks onto your enemies’ heads would make you think twice about sitting in your trench or staying out in the open. It would add a dynamic to the game that we would have never seen before.

Battlefield 1 gamespot
Source: Gamespot

9. More emphasis on melee combat

As we saw in the trailer and in the cover for the game, a feature will be melee combat. I’m hoping that we’ll see more hand to hand engagements, bayonet charges and cavalry advances. It would bring a more frantic bearing to trench warfare. Plus if we went in all guns blazing and had to resort to a shovel or a club with nails sticking out of it then it would certainly make things more interesting.


10. Cross-Platform play

Rocket League is already doing it so will DICE be far behind? Playing against 63 other players on a large map is already exciting, but what would make it more so would be if you knew that you were playing against those on PS4/Xbox One and PC. So this is something that that I hope we will see when BF1 comes to our screens this autumn.

Whatever happens, I’m hoping that we will see so much more from DICE and BF1 in the coming months and I know one thing, my wallet will be that much lighter come October 21st. Bring on Battlefield 1.

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