Avengers: Endgame Surpasses Avatar To Become Highest Grossing Film

What a fitting way to end phase 3.

Avengers Endgame
Avengers: Endgame

It’s official: Avengers: Endgame is now the highest grossing film of all time. According to The Hollywood Reporter, as of Sunday July 21st, 2019, Avengers: Endgame’s total comes up to $2.790 billion USD, which surpasses Avatar’s $2.7897 billion USD. While initially thought to be $7 million behind the James Cameron blockbuster, Disney found extra money when reconciling the movie’s final global earnings, which is only done at the end of a film’s run.

The re-release of the movie contributed greatly to the surge, allowing Avengers: Endgame to close the gap with Avatar, even when we thought it wasn’t possible. The disappointment with the added material in the re-release version of the movie ultimately didn’t stop some fans from still showing their support, pushing the movie to this history-making moment.

The Russo brothers have made history, with two of their movies having crossed the 2 billion USD mark at the global box office. When asked how they felt about conquering Avatar at the Comic Con panel, Anthony Russo mentioned that it was “cathartic for [them] to see in that the storytelling has played out globally.” He also talked about how both him and his brother view James Cameron as an idol, and how “he’s fed [their] passion for filmmaking from the beginning.”

This has definitely been the best week for Marvel, with their unveiling of phase 4 at Comic Con and getting to deliver such wonderful news to the fans. It took 9 years for Avengers: Endgame to come along and take the crown from Avatar. Will another film ever be able to achieve what Avengers: Endgame has? Maybe when Avatar 2 finally gets a release date that is set in stone.

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