Arkham Asylum and Arkham City Remasters Coming to PS4 and Xbox One

Arkham City
Arkham City

In an announcement that will surprise absolutely nobody who knows how the modern gaming industry works, it’s been announced that Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City will be remastered for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It will be called Batman: Return to Arkham and swoop down from the ceiling on July 26th.

Rocksteady’s Arkham games have been some of the best licensed adaptations ever, even if Arkham Knight had its flaws. It’s hard to argue with Arkham City being one of the finest games of the last generation though, and it will be a welcome addition to all Batman fans’ game collections.

That said, it’s kind of funny how WB Games worked on remastering old games instead of prodding the two donkeys in a shed it had working on the Arkham Knight PC version. Easily one of the most disappointing games of 2015.


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