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No console has arguably aged as beautifully as the Sega Dreamcast. From the still stunning visuals and wonderful arcade gameplay, to the...
The best part about having a massive library of games is that there’s always more hidden gems to find, and we’ve barely...
While the genre was pretty well established before the console came out, you could argue that the SNES was when RPGs really...
We don’t reckon it’s too controversial to say that there’s plenty of games out there that play things safe. That’s not to...
There was a temptation with this last Make the Case that will be published with Cultured Vultures to go for a subject...
Look, we’ve got to be honest with you here. Making a list of the GameCube games that have aged well without it...
Stating that the gaming industry is different now to what it was back in the days of the PS1 is perhaps the...
The PS2 is one of the most celebrated consoles of all time, and what makes it better is that a lot of...
You may think the Genesis has nothing left to show you, but unless you’ve got a complete collection of Sega Genesis games...
The PS1’s library runs the gamut of genres, but there are some games across all those genres that just so happen to...
I’ve got some bad news if you don’t think the PlayStation 3 has aged much. Friend, the console released nearly 20 years...
We’d love to recommend that everyone gets hold of a PS1 and experiences the good old days of gaming, but the second...
From major releases that were graphically ahead of the curve, to underrated titles with unique gameplay elements that were odd for their...
There’s plenty of weirdness to be found within the Super Nintendo’s legendary library, but it’s another thing entirely to be weird and...
With its unique controller, emphasis on entertainment over technological power, and one of the most expansive libraries of serious classics and absolute...