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The SNES is a console that’s been well picked over at this point, even by us. But it seems like no matter...
Their business practices aren’t perfect, but Nintendo makes games like nobody else. It’s true. They don’t load their games with microtransactions and...
In an age where most video games tend to get ported or remastered at some point, there’s a dizzying array of PS2...
The early 2000s was a crazy, weird time of defeating dystopias with karate, sending texts via Microsoft Excel, and ignoring your pets...
Gaming as a hobby should be inclusive and accepting of everyone, but individual games have made a name for themselves as being...
For many gamers of a certain vintage, gaming peaked as a whole with the PlayStation 2. It’s hard to disagree with that....
Look, you’ve probably seen the title and come into this with some preconceived notions about critics and how they can be wrong...
Ah, other times that aren’t right now. I remember them well. If you grew up with industry-changers like the N64, it can...
Every big name in the console game needs a few big games that can only be played under their big name —...
Sometimes, it’s frankly unbelievable that any game manages to make it out of the door at all. You’re telling me 100 people...
The PS1 might have been one of the pioneers of full 3D gaming, but it was the console’s successor, the PS2, that...
Some games you just know are going to stand the test of time, being released and re-released multiple times over the years,...
The PS1 has been considered a launching pad for a lot of franchises going forward, with games like Silent Hill, Resident Evil,...
You love the PS2, we love talking about the PS2, and there’s still a plethora of hidden gems and absolute whippers that...
The N64 and its games seems to have a reputation for not being able to hold up, whether it’s due to the...