Dark Souls II Has the Most Vomit-Inducing Meme Mod

Dark Souls 2 mod

I have said it before, but the people that dedicate themselves to creating mods and keeping games alive for longer deserve more respect. Apart from the twisted individual behind this Dark Souls II mod. They should probably burn in heck for eternity.

It’s almost impossible to look at a single frame from Krisis18z’s disasterpiece without wanting to be sick all over your lap before you beckon a pet over to eat it: the thing just has such a mesmerisingly awful appeal that means you can never look away but feeling like you need to tear your eyes out at the same time.

Don’t get me wrong, memes are good. For the first five minutes before your younger sibling finds out about them and overexposes you to them, just like how everyone feels about Sam Smith now. Y U NO was funny for about a week until Facebook found it and all of the dank is mainly just wank. WHY (sorry, Y) would you do this to Dark Souls of all games? Why not BMX XXX or Destiny or something else awful?

If you really want to descend into his world of madness and despair, you can follow Krisis18z on his Twitch. While you’re there, ask him if he’s been off his medication or if he’s thought about hurting people recently.

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