WWE Rebranding House Shows As ‘Sunday Night Stunners’

Oh jeez...

WWE have a knack for making things sound as lame as possible: ‘The WWE Universe’, ‘Premium Live Events’, let alone ‘WWE Superstars’. This time however they’ve taken to rebranding their weekly house shows as ‘Sunday Night Stunners‘. Naturally, these will only be taking place on Sundays from here on, with WWE’s intentions to bring back some semblance of the classic ‘Saturday Night Main Event’ shows.

This change is set to begin as of the 1st of May, just after WrestleMania 38. Although WWE have yet to apply for any trademarks relating to this new branding, so things could still change as we get closer to May.

House shows have been notorious for losing the company money in the past, with such a rigorous schedule often leading to injuries and poor morale within the locker room. Here’s hoping that these ‘Sunday Night Stunners’ will lead to a bit more of a buzz within the towns they visit, especially if they are more like the Saturday shows of past. There’s a chance we could see more meaningful championship match-ups, focused around bigger feuds with pay-per-view level attraction.

Despite the terrible name, this could help turn the tide for WWE’s future.

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