What’s Your Favourite Devil May Cry Game?

Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry

In case you missed the news, Devil May Cry just turned fifteen years old, confirming that we are all slowly turning to dust. It only feels like yesterday that we were introduced to Dante and his many ways to not give a damn.

With no news on the sixth installment of Devil May Cry, fans are getting a little bit agitated. It’s been three years since the hugely polarising DmC: Devil May Cry, and it seems like the series may be in limbo. Despite being a relative success, selling more copies than Devil May Cry 2 and 3, the fanbase has been split on the direction the series took as it was effectively a reboot with a different Dante.

As we wait for Capcom to announce Dante’s return, whether he is white-haired or a brunette, let’s look back at the series and choose a favourite. Here are your contenders.


Devil May Cry (2001)

Devil May Cry 1
Source: overloadr.com.br

Where it all began, Devil May Cry was originally conceived as a Resident Evil game before Capcom saw enough in it to make it its own thing. What a wise decision that was. It was released to rave reviews and revitalised the hack ‘n’ slash genre.

Devil May Cry 2 (2003)

Devil May Cry 2
Source: comicvine.com

A weird sequel, Devil May Cry 2 wasn’t made by the same team as the original, and it showed. The difficulty was lowered and Dante was a much different protagonist than the one we knew. There was also a strange marketing crossover with Diesel, which kind of sums the game up.


Devil May Cry 3 (2005)

Devil May Cry 3
Source: cosplay.com

The rip-roaring return to the crushing difficulty of the original game, Devil May Cry won a lot of fans back over. Featuring a younger, more antagonistic debut, Devil May Cry took a lot of what made the first game so special and turned it up to eleven.


Devil May Cry 4 (2008)

Devil may Cry 4
Source: gameranx

New console generation, new protagonist. Players took control of Nero for most of Devil May Cry 4, though Dante again became playable as the story progressed. A solid installment in the Devil May Cry franchise that also went on to become the best-selling and the thirteenth best-selling Capcom gave ever made.


DmC: Devil May Cry (2013)

DmC: Devil May Cry
Source: IBTimes

The series’ Return of the Jedi, opinion is split on Capcom’s reboot. While many praised the fluidity of combat and the overall flow of the game, a lot of detractors pointed at the big change in Dante’s personality and silly plot (even by DMC’s standards) as its downfall.

So, those are the games. Which is your favourite? Vote below before September 5th and we’ll see which game fills your dark soul with light the most.

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