Watch Dogs: Legion Getting Free Trial Weekend From March 25th

Finally, a cheap trip to London.

Watch Dogs Legion

Ubisoft have announced that Watch Dogs: Legion will be receiving a free trial weekend on all available platforms, which include Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Epic Games Store and Ubisoft Store on Windows PC.

You’ll even be able to pre-load the game from tomorrow, meaning it’ll be ready to go when the free trial starts. To celebrate the news, you can check out the trailer at the top of the page. 


A Free Trial You Say?

Yes, from tomorrow, you’ll be able to download Watch Dogs: Legion for free on all of the above platforms, while the free trial itself will last from March 25th to March 29th.

Naturally, the free trial doesn’t include the full game, but you’ll be able to recruit a full roster of characters, check out the open-world activities, explore half of the game’s boroughs and experience a decent chunk of the game’s narrative. If you’re impressed with what you see, the base game will be available at a 50% discount across PlayStation, Xbox, PC via EGS and Ubisoft Store, and even Stadia.


Any Future Plans For The Game?

Funny you should ask, as Ubisoft have also published their content roadmap for Watch Dogs: Legion going through 2021. For non-Season Pass owners, today you’ll receive a brand new Tactical Op co-op mission, while in late-May, two new PvP modes, Extraction and Invasion, will launch alongside another Tactical Op.

As for those who own the Season Pass, late April will see the introduction of Mina, the result of transhuman experiments who will be able to use mind control abilities, which certainly doesn’t sound overpowered. In late June, Watch Dogs: Legion – Bloodline will be released, which will include series veterans Aiden Pearce and Wrench, while August will see a legit assassin from Assassin’s Creed be added to the game. They’re called Darcy, so that should be fun.

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