Are you a horror fan? Love list content, but in video form? Then, friend, do Darryl, Nick and Jimmy have a treat for you as they go through the best horror games ever made.
An eclectic list limited to one game per franchise, our video goes through the horrors through the decades and is very nice to look at, if we may say so ourselves.
The TL;DW of our picks:
01:40 – 10. The Evil Within 2
02:41 – 9. Alien Isolation
03:33 – 8. Dead Space
04:15 – 7. SOMA
05:06 – 6. Left 4 Dead 2
05:43 – 5. Eternal Darkness
06:36 – 4. The Last of Us
07:27 – 3. Amnesia
08:23 – 2. Silent Hill 2
09:20 – 1. Resident Evil GC
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