THQ Nordic & Koch Media Announce Surprise IP Transfer

It's the WWE Draft of gaming.


THQ Nordic and Koch Media have announced that they’ve engaged in a bit of a playground card swap with their IP, as the two companies have traded the rights to some of their properties. The news was announced in a press release, and via the tweet below.

In the trade, THQ Nordic have signed away the rights to Painkiller and Red Faction to Koch Media, in return for Sacred, Risen, Rush for Berlin, Second Sight and Singles: Flirt Up Your Life. While you’d think that THQ Nordic got the better end of the deal with five properties over Koch’s two, Painkiller and Red Faction are arguably more recognisable and valuable than the five other properties.

That said, both companies are underneath the Embracer Group umbrella, as THQ Nordic AB purchased Koch Media back in 2018 before rebranding as Embracer Group last year. Meanwhile THQ Nordic GmbH simply go by THQ Nordic to avoid confusion. Considering the two companies are related, it’s not exactly the biggest trade in the world, and merely just a rearranging of rights.

Still, the press release hints at a bright future for some of the licenses involved in this deal. THQ Nordic have stated that, regarding the properties they’ve acquired, evaluations on “remasters, ports, potential sequels & new content” will begin today, and that they “have something in mind already”. Fingers crossed there’s “something in mind” at Koch Media too, as I wouldn’t mind seeing a new Painkiller.

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