The Evil Within 2 Seemingly Leaked By Reddit Ads Ahead of E3 2017

The Evil Within
The Evil Within

If, like many, you enjoyed Bethesda’s The Evil Within and have been pining for a return to its mad version of survival horror, you might be in luck.

Reddit ads have seemingly confirmed its existence, urging players to pre-order the game. By the looks of it, someone pressed the button too soon – Bethesda’s conference is still many hours away.

Here are the ads in question:

The Evil Within 2 reddit leaks

“Bethesda returns you to the nightmare in The Evil Within 2. Now available for preorder. How will you survive?”

The Evil Within 2 reddit leaks

“From survival horror mastermind Shinji Mikami comes The Evil Within 2. Now available for preorder. “The only way out is in.”

This may seem like a surprise, but it isn’t exactly without precedent. Bethesda have previously spoken about a sequel being a very real possibility.

The Evil Within, the brainchild of Resident Evil visionary Shinji Mikami, released to decent if unspectacular reviews. It has developed a cult following over the years, so if you want to see if The Evil Within 2 can build upon its predecessor, you better tune in for Bethesda’s conference later today.

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