Starfield: Beast Hunter Background – Skills & Bio


The Beast Hunter is a starting background in Starfield that you are able to choose shortly into your journey.

“From the Ashta of Akila to the Terrormorphs that plague the whole of the Settled System, hostile alien life abounds. You’ve learned the skills to track them them, find them, and take them down.”

The Beast Hunter is a solid overall background that will appeal to those wanting to get into action.


Beast Hunter Starting Skills

The Beast Hunter has three skills that give them increased lung capacity, gun prowess, and the ability to make a whole range of new meals:

Fitness Skill
“In space, the greatest commodity is oxygen, and the increased lung capacotu gained by a regular physical fitness regimen is essential to survival.”

Ballistics Skill
“Centuries of conflict have proven that when it comes to threat elimination, few things stack up to the reliable power of high-speed projectiles.”

“Access to brand new worlds means access to brand new ingredients, and there is almost no limit to the delicious food and drinks a talented chef can prepare.”

Starfield is available on PC and Xbox.

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