Is Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Coming To Xbox Game Pass?

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Few had high hopes for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order when it released in 2019, with publisher EA previously really struggling to make the most of the Star Wars license and developer Respawn never having worked on a game of its kind before (as well as being very busy on Apex Legends). However, it was a gigantic success, with many people now looking forward to its sequel. But is Star Wars Jedi: Survivor coming to Xbox Game Pass?

The answer is yes, but not at launch and only for those with Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, which is a more expensive tier of Game Pass that costs $14.99/£10.99 a month. Players who are subscribed to Ultimate also gain access to the whole of the EA Play catalogue on Xbox for the same price, which includes most of EA’s modern published games. However, EA’s games aren’t added day one like Xbox’s first-party exclusives are for Game Pass and are instead usually added to EA Play 6-12 months after their initial launch date.

With a March launch date set for Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, you should expect it to make its way to Game Pass by late 2023 at the earliest, though these things depend on how big a success a game is (or isn’t). If Star Wars Jedi: Survivor goes on to sell even more copies than its predecessor, it will take a long time before it lands on Game Pass so that that revenue stream can be maximised.


About Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is the direct follow-up to 2019’s Fallen Order and will follow a lot of the same gameplay beats with Cal Kestis now no longer just a padawan.

Set five years after the events of Fallen Order, Survivor will follow Cal as one of the last surviving Jedi Knights as he looks to protect himself and the rest of the galaxy from the Empire. To do so, you will be exploring more worlds than ever with a broader array of skills at your disposal, with even more ways of traversing each. The early trailers have highlighted a mysterious figure submerged in a bacta tank, but it’s not yet clear who this — and how they will react to being awoken by Cal.

One thing looks like staying the same, though: BD-1, your friendly little drone pal, will still by your side.

In terms of gameplay, Survivor is reminiscent of classic Metroidvania crossed with the deliberate cinematic combat of the Soulsborne games, though if Fallen Order is anything to go by, it will be far less punishing. Players can expect to improve Cal’s force powers over the course of the sizeable single-player campaign while uncovering all sorts of new areas and secrets across exotic worlds.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is set to launch on March 17th, 2023 for PCPS5, and Xbox Series X & S.

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