Sons of the Forest: How To Turn Off Cannibals & Enemies

Sons of the Forest enemies
Sons of the Forest enemies

Sons of the Forest is a game all about building a little haven for yourself on a mysterious island where you live alongside animals, build farms, and become best friends with a woman with more limbs than normal. Well, at least it would be if it wasn’t for all these cannibals running amok, but luckily there is a way of playing the game without them.

To play without any enemies in Sons of the Forest, you must start a new Custom game, then scroll down and turn Enemies to Off. This means that you will no longer be attacked all hours of the day and can start making fun treehouses with Kelvin.

Bear in mind that you cannot get rid of enemies in a save file that you’ve already started playing. However, the cannibals won’t immediately attack you once you first start a save, so don’t attack them first and they shouldn’t start becoming hostile for at least a few days. After which, start arming yourself up with guns and bows, and also start building some traps.

Sons of the Forest is available on PC.

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