Sons of the Forest: Where to Find the Cross

Sons of the Forest Cross
Sons of the Forest Cross

Sons of the Forest has a ton of unique weapons to choose from. While you can make your way through the game using a Stun Gun and a Spear, the game is a lot more fun with the secret weapons. The Cross is very difficult to find and you need to have the Maintenance Key Card to obtain it.

Make sure that you are properly equipped with food, resources, torches, and weapons before heading out to obtain the Cross as there are many enemies that you will encounter along the way at higher difficulties. Once you’re prepared, follow the instructions and the Cross location map below to unlock the Cross in Sons of the Forest.

Sons of the Forest Cross Location
Sons of the Forest Cross Location
Sons of the Forest Cross Location
Sons of the Forest Cross Location

You want to start off by heading to the location marked on the map above. You will notice that there is a hidden entrance to a facility near the coast. Use the Maintenance Key Card at the entrance and make your way into the passageways.

Sons of the Forest Cross Location
Sons of the Forest Cross Location

Once you enter the facility, you want to walk straight down the passageway until you find an open room. Continue down the corridor and you will reach the end of the passage which leads to the lower level.

Sons of the Forest Cross Location
Sons of the Forest Cross Location

Go down the stairs and make your way to the orange door which is impossible to miss. Go through the door and turn left and keep moving straight until you reach a hallway with paintings on the wall.

Sons of the Forest Cross Location
Sons of the Forest Cross Location

You will notice a table in the room with a note that says “Crosses burn demons.” The Cross is located exactly across the table. Pick up the Cross and make your way out of the facility. There are no shortcuts to the exit from here so you will need to backtrack your way to the entrance.

Sons of the Forest Cross
Sons of the Forest Cross

The Cross is effective against Demons and you can use it to strike them or push them away. It deals burning damage and you can take down demons in just a few hits. You will face off against a lot of demons at the end of the game so getting the Cross is a great idea.

You can also find the Cross in the same cave as the Rope Gun.

The weapon is by no means necessary to beat the game and it is only effective against certain types of enemies, specifically the demons. We recommend going for powerful weapons like the Pistol as well to make life easier against the mutants.

Sons of the Forest is available on PC.

READ NEXT: Sons of the Forest: Where to Find the Chainsaw

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