SINGLE REVIEW: Joby – ‘Sixes and Zeros’

Joby Sixes and Zeros single review

With summer now here, allegedly, let’s force feed you some more indie pop. Up and coming Cardiff four piece Joby have recently released their latest single, ‘Sixes and Zeros’. This March they released their self-titled debut EP, but this track is even newer. And it’s jazzy.

If you took an Eliza and the Bear single on vinyl, and played it at about two thirds of the intended speed, you’d have ‘Sixes and Zeros’. There’s the same bright, electric guitar, the same fresh faced vibe, but it’s more chilled. Not only is it slower, it’s more relaxed. It’s got all the time in the world. It doesn’t run to a meeting, it saunters over and turns up late. As I say, it’s jazzy.

A drawing of a pipe serves as the single’s cover. If, in the days of suits, pipes, and reclining in drawing rooms, people listened to indie pop on vinyl, they’d listen to Joby. That’s the kind of jazzy we’re talking.

It’s easy to get lost in the sheer prettiness of ‘Sixes and Zeros’, but don’t. To do so would take your focus from the vocals in the backseat. But to focus on the vocals would take your focus from the music. Whilst the two work well together, they blend together too well and occasionally spin the music into musak. A little more variation or slightly bolder vocals would keep this pitfall at bay.

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