Samurai Shodown Getting Exclusive Next-Gen Upgrade On Xbox Series X/S

Time for another Blood Moon Massacre.

Samurai Shodown

SNK have announced that they’ll be making their first foray into the world of next-gen by releasing Samurai Shodown exclusively for the Xbox Series X/S this Winter. To celebrate the news, they’ve released a new trailer showcasing the next-gen version in action, which you can check out for yourself above.


What Is Samurai Shodown?

Samurai Shodown is the fantastic reboot/prequel for one of the fighting game genre’s old guard. With 27 years of history, and plenty of games under its belt, last year’s Samurai Shodown had a lot of reputation to uphold, but it passed those expectations swimmingly. Check out our review for yourself right here.

Though some weak modes dampen the overall package, Samurai Shodown might just offer the best pure fighting game experience in recent memory, for both veterans and newcomers alike.


So Why Is It An Xbox Series X/S Exclusive?

Good question. We were initially surprised as well when the press release said that it would be an Xbox exclusive for next-gen, so much so that we had to reach out to PR to confirm that it was true. It is. Considering that Samurai Shodown is available on pretty much every platform right now, opting for Xbox Series X/S exclusivity seems odd, but here’s what producer Yasuyuki Oda had to say about the decision in a press release:

The Xbox Series X|S is Microsoft’s most innovative and cutting-edge next-gen console which is ramping up to hit the market soon, and I couldn’t be more excited to be a part of its massive presence in the gaming community.

As for features like Smart Delivery, we reached out to PR regarding this but were told that there’s no official word as of yet. Once there’s more to share in that regard, we’ll update this piece.


Will I Be Playing Samurai Showdown This Winter?

More than likely, I’ve been looking for a reason to get back into a fighting game of some kind. Why not Sam Sho? The Xbox Series X/S exclusivity is an intriguing choice, sure, but it wouldn’t be a next-gen console launch without some kind of fighting game, and in the absence of a new Killer Instinct, I’ll take Samurai Shodown.

Now, if Microsoft could convince Capcom and SNK to re-release Capcom vs SNK 2 on modern consoles…

READ MORE: Xbox Game Pass Needs More Fighting Games

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