How Quickly Can You Get Sacked In Football Manager 2021?

We really tried speedrunning Football Manager.

Football Manager 21 is all about trying to stay in the job, overcoming the odds while moving your club forward and hopefully onto glory throughout the years and even decades. But what if you’re actively trying to get sacked, how long that does that take?

Inspired by a classic DoctorBenjy moment, I decided to find out. After taking on a new job, the good Doctor declines to attend his first press conference and then finds himself leaving the job almost as quickly as he entered it.

Having not yet played the new game properly, I wasn’t exactly sure how best to get myself sacked in double quick time in Football Manager 21. I tried to release Everton’s best player, Richarlison, but the board were just lightly miffed. I undermined them in public constantly, yet the board were pretty chill about my implosion.

After starting over again, I managed to get myself sacked in as little as 49 seconds. Leroy Rosenoir would be proud.

The trick? First you have to request something from the board, get denied, leak it to the press, respond negatively to the press, and then decline to attend the interview with the board. You will be out of a job quicker than you can say “door to door salesman in a worldwide pandemic”.

Football Manager 21 is available now for PC.

READ NEXT: Football Manager 21: How To Enable Cloud Saves

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