REVIEW: Lucy Rose – ‘Work It Out’

Lucy Rose - Work it Out
work it out album
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Three years after her debut album Like I Used To, Lucy Rose returns with her second LP titled Work It Out. Whilst the first album showcased Lucy’s ability to be a successful song-writer, the second record takes one step further and shows a clear progression, and a far bolder musician.

Having previously been invited to Lucy Rose’s album showcase gig at The Courtyard in Hoxton last month, I have already been granted the opportunity to listen to every track on the album before the release. My immediate reaction to all the songs Lucy and her band performed that evening was Lucy’s keen interest with more electronic instruments rather than her acoustic guitar; a change applauded by myself and the rest of the audience.

Album opener ‘For You’ provides an upbeat, happy Lucy Rose where her voice has a tendency to soar with the music rather than fight against it like in ‘Nebraska’. The album as a whole allows any listener to connect with Lucy on a personal level; something that many artists only dream of achieving  – Lucy, however, has consistently done this with both albums.

Radio-friendly tracks such as ‘Our Eyes’ take Lucy out of her traditional comfort zone and into a new league, boasting unpredictable melodies that allow her to find her timid voice in the insubordinate drumming. ‘Like An Arrow’ exhibits a more traditional Lucy, but with an electric flourish. Deluxe tracks are no weaker than the main LP itself, in particular ‘Sheffield’ which portrays influences of her days with band Bombay Bicycle Club. Lucy’s sophomore record is a comfortable step-up for her, and I can only hope she continues to break out of her comfort zone and experiment more, now that she has firmly marked her place in the music industry.

Favourite Tracks: For You, Our Eyes and Work It Out

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