I can’t tell if this is a good or bad thing: Capcom have revealed that Resident Evil 7, a game that isn’t even 24 hours old, will have its first DLC within a week.
It’s good, because it gives players more Barker madness to descend into, but it’s also pretty bad that it seems to be so close behind it proper release, so it isn’t unfeasible that it could have just been packaged with the rest of the content from the get go.
January 31st will bring with it Banned Footage Vol. 1, a small collection of new content that will cost $9.99. It features two new features: “Bedroom” and “Nightmare. The former will be all about puzzles and wave survival while the latter will be a punishing new mode that’s not a part of the campaign.

It doesn’t stop there, either. Valentine’s Day brings with it Banned Footage Vol. 2, which costs $14.99 instead of $9.99. “21” and “Daughters” will feature another encounter with Lucas Barker, a flashback for the Barker family, as well as some weirdness involving you feeding Jack. Yeah, why not.
Both will be available on PS4; no information about other platforms is available. They’re available as part of the season pass for the game, which comes in at a handsome $25.
Excited for the DLC? It may be a part of one of the biggest horror games of 2017, but heck, the quick turnaround should be questioned.
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